Advanced syllabus changes announced by the AMC (Australian Maritime College).
Correspondence from the AMC – 18 May 2022
Dear Assessor,
We write in response to the recent ACMA Amateur Radio Update (March 2022) survey results relating to changes to the Advanced Syllabus, accordingly please be advised that the AMC Amateur Radio Office will be changing to a HAREC compliant Australian Advanced syllabus (attached) effective 15th August 2022.
Adoption of the new syllabus will not impact trainers with regards to current training or examination questions.
Changes to the exam bank will be made progressively over the next few months to synchronise the current syllabus with the new HAREC compliant syllabus.
Changes to training programs should incorporate the new Australian (HAREC compliant) syllabus.
Please direct any questions pertaining to this impending change, to the office by email.
Australian Maritime College (AMC) manages all functions associated with amateur radio examination services in Australia. The AMC is part of the University of Tasmania. Presently AMC also manage maritime radio licensing on behalf of the ACMA (Australian Communications and Media Authority).
To view this new and other recent news from the AMC, please click on the image above.
A copy of the proposed new syllabus is provided as an attachment to the official communication from the AMC. Accordingly click on the link below to see the new syllabus…
In response to the recent ACMA Amateur Radio Update (March 2022) survey results relating to changes to the Advanced Syllabus, the AMC Amateur Radio Office will be changing to a HAREC compliant Australian Advanced syllabus (PDF 260.5 KB) effective 15th August 2022.