This page provides a quick reference to the meaning of terms used throughout the website to enable better understanding.

  • ACMA – Australian Communications and Media Authority
  • AC – Alternating Current
  • AF – Audible Frequency (20 Hz to 20 kHz)
  • ARRL – American Radio Relay League
  • AM – Amplitude Modulation
  • AMC – Australian Maritime College
  • ATU – Antenna Tuning Unit
  • C – The speed of light (300 million metres per second)
  • CTCSS – Continuous Tone Coded Squelch System
  • CCTV – Closed Circuit Television
  • CW – Continuous Wave
  • dB – Decibels
  • DC – Direct Current
  • DX – Long Distance
  • DTMF – Dual Tone Multiple Frequency
  • EMDRC – Eastern and Mountain District Radio Club
  • ERP – Effective Radiated Power
  • FSK – Frequency Shift Keying
  • FM – Frequency Modulation
  • Frequency – Number of Cycles per Second measured in Hz
  • HF – High Frequency (3 MHz to 30 MHz)
  • LCD – Licence Conditions Determination
  • Morse Code – A code developed for communications via a simple CW transmitter
  • MF – Medium Frequency (300 kHz to 3 MHz)
  • Phonetics – Refers to the words used to convey radio alphabet
  • Phone – Voice communications
  • PSK – Pulse Shift Keying
  • PEP – Peak Envelope Power
  • Q Codes – A set of codes used as abbreviations in amateur radio communications
  • RIT – Receive Incremental Tuning
  • RST – Readability Signal Tone, used to convey quality of the communications
  • Resistor – a passive two-terminal electrical component that implements electrical resistance as a circuit element
  • RF – Radio Frequency
  • SSB – Single Side Band
  • SSTV – Slow Scan Television
  • Squelch – control enables the receiver to cut out the noise when there is no signal present
  • SWR – Standing Wave Ratio
  • TV – Television
  • UHF – Ultra High Frequency (300 MHz to 3 GHz)
  • VHF – Very High Frequency (30 MHz to 300 MHz)
  • VFO – Variable Frequency Oscillator
  • WIA – Wireless Institute of Australia
  • Wavelength – Inversely proportional to frequency (measured in metres)