Amateur radio is intended to facilitate hobby radiocommunications

Types of licences

  • Amateur radio activities are authorised under the Amateur Class Licence and the Amateur LCD for beacon and repeater stations. Other forms of licences authorise different types of radiocommunications, such as citizens band (CB), land mobile, point-to-point links and broadcasting.
  • The Amateur Service operates on frequency bands allocated for Amateur use. The Amateur Service shares some frequency bands with other services.


  • All radio amateurs must have a licence to transmit.
  • Amateurs must not operate outside the allocated bands.
  • Amateur operators must not operate on bands allocated for other purposes.
  • The Licence Conditions Determination (LCD) indicate the bands allocated for amateur operation – use the LCD to look up a Foundation Licence frequency allocation

Amateur Band Plans

  • Amateur band plans help amateurs make best use of the frequency spectrum and provide for better on air operating.
  • The band plans are an agreed position between amateurs and the WIA.
  • Band plans can be found in the Foundation Licence manual and on the WIA web site.

Note 1: Digital Data Modes

This category includes all data modes using FSK, MFSK, PSK or other digital modulation systems.

Note 2: Other Modes in the SSB Segments

The SSB segments are also used for digital voice modes and image transmission modes such as SSTV or Fax, using bandwidths up to 4 kHz, or for AM voice. AM is not a recommended mode on the HF bands because of its bandwidth, but it is fully legal and is used on several bands.