Foundation Course Timing

Session Times Topic Instructor Start time Finish time Introduction Peter Hartfield 8:30 am 9:00 am Nature of Amateur Radio Peter Hartfield 9:00 am 9:30 am Licence Conditions Peter Hartfield 9:30 am 10:15 am Morning Tea Break 10:15 am 10:30 am Technical Basics Damian Ayres 10:30 am 11:00 am Transmitters and Receivers Damian Ayres 11:00 am […]

Licence Conditions

Operation under a Foundation Amateur Licence is subject to conditions in the: Radiocommunications Act 1992 Radiocommunications (Amateur Stations) Class Licence 2023 Radiocommunications Licence Conditions (Apparatus Licence) Determination 2015 – for beacon and repeater stations. An Amateur Licence primarily authorises the operation of an Amateur station for self-training in radiocommunications, intercommunications between Amateurs and technical investigations […]

The Nature of Amateur Radio

Types of licences Amateur radio activities are authorised under the Amateur Class Licence and the Amateur LCD for beacon and repeater stations. Other forms of licences authorise different types of radiocommunications, such as citizens band (CB), land mobile, point-to-point links and broadcasting. The Amateur Service operates on frequency bands allocated for Amateur use. The Amateur […]

Foundation Course

This page shows all the information you need to attend a Foundation Training Course at the EMDRC club rooms in Burwood. 1. Nature of Amateur Radio 2. Licence Conditions 3. Technical Basics 4. Transmitters and Receivers 5. Transmission Lines and Antennas 6. Propagation 7. Interference 8. Operating Practices and Procedures 9. Safety

Advanced syllabus changes announced by the AMC

Advanced syllabus changes announced by the AMC (Australian Maritime College). Correspondence from the AMC – 18 May 2022 Dear Assessor, We write in response to the recent ACMA Amateur Radio Update (March 2022) survey results relating to changes to the Advanced Syllabus, accordingly please be advised that the AMC Amateur Radio Office will be changing […]