Demonstrate Equipment Setup
A licence candidate will be required to demonstrate connecting a transceiver safely to a power supply, microphone, transmission line and antenna. The image below shows:
- 13.8 VDC power supply
- FT-857D HF / VHF / UHF transceiver
- MFJ-945E antenna tuner with built in VSWR meter
- 50 Ohm dummy load – to use as an antenna
- Transmission line – 50 Ohm coax with UHF male connectors each end
- DC power lead with fuses
- Microphone with RJ-45 connector
Setup Procedure
- Connect a length of transmission line to the dummy load (antenna) using the UHF connector.
- Connect the other end of the transmission line to the UHF connector on the back of the tuner labeled “Antenna”.
- Use a second length of transmission line to connect from the back of the tuner (UHF connector labeled “Transmitter”) to the UHF connector on the rear of the radio. Note: two connectors on the rear of the FT-857D: the UHF connector is for HF / 50 MHz and the N connector is for 144 & 433 MHz. It is always good practice to connect a second dummy load to the N connector to protect this output.
- Connect the DC power lead to the transceiver and the other end of the lead to the power supply. Note that red is positive and can be followed all the way from the transceiver to the power supply (and the same for black – negative or ground). Reverse or incorrect polarity may damage the transceiver. Ensure the fuses are installed and of the correct / recommended value.
- Plug the microphone into the transceiver.
- Ensure that the switch on the power supply is in the OFF position.
- Plug the IEC cable into the rear of the power supply and the three (3) pin plug into a wall socket or power board.
- Check all of the cables are connected properly and secure.
- Switch on the power at the wall socket and at the power supply.
- Finally, switch on the radio and observe your good work
The disconnection procedure is exactly opposite to the above.
For additional safety in the shack, all equipment should have an individual earth connection back to a common earthing bar. Do not daisy chain the equipment grounds as this may result in ground loops and unwanted earth currents.
Requirement to Listen
- An amateur licence candidate will be required to recall and demonstrate the requirement to listen on a frequency before transmitting to ensure that interference will not be caused to other stations using the frequency.
Operating Practices
- CQ CQ CQ this is VK3XXX VK3XXX VK3XXX over
- VK3XXX this is VK3YYY over
- This is VK3XXX listening over
- This is VK3XXX is this frequency in use over
- VK3YYY this is VK3XXX your signal report is 5 and 9 over
- RST = Readability Strength Tone (CW)
- Signal strengths above 9 are: +10 dB etc.
Making a CQ call and changing to a working frequency
- Listen for a free frequency (say 145.600 MHz)
- “This is VK3XXX is this frequency in use over”
- Change back to the previous operating frequency
- “VK3YYY this is VK3XXX please QSY to 145.600 over”
- VK3XXX this is VK3YYY QSY to 145.600 over
- Change frequency to 145.600 MHz
- Listen to ensure the frequency is still not in use
- “VK3YYY this is VK3XXX are you on frequency over”
- VK3XXX this is VK3YYY I hear you loud and clear over
Transmitter Measurements
A licence candidate needs to be able to recall and demonstrate the measurement, or estimation, of the output power of a transmitter and measure the SWR using a suitable measuring device such as the one shown below. They also need to be able to describe or demonstrate the methods used to correct simple problems such as a high SWR, excessive modulation, and excessive output power.
Operating through a repeater
What is CTCSS (Continuous Tone Coded Squelch System) used for?
- This system is designed to reduce annoying signals and will assist in masking co co-channel interference
- A tone is transmitted each time the press to talk button is pressed that is detected in the receiver and allows the mute (or squelch) to open
- The tone is in the 67 to 257 Hz range and often referred to as a sub-audible tone
What is DTMF (Dual Tone Multiple Frequency) used for?
- DTMF is used for telephone signalling over a medium such as a telephone line or radio link
- DTMF is the signal produced by your mobile phone keypad
- Two voice frequency tones of different frequencies are transmitted simultaneously
- Often used to switch on or off and control remote equipment such as repeaters
Why leave a break between overs when operating through a repeater?
- Allows other traffic to break in
- Allows access for emergency traffic
What is a Repeater?
A radio repeater is a combination of a radio receiver and a radio transmitter that receives a signal and retransmits it, so that two-way radio signals can cover longer distances.
Q Codes are internationally recognised abbreviations that are commonly used in communications. They are used in phonetics for clarity and for CW as abbreviations.