My website has been fully Refreshed

Introduction My website has been fully refreshed to reflect the changes made by the ACMA to the Amateur Class Licence 2024. The AMC is no longer responsible for conducting and marking Amateur Radio licence exams on behalf of the ACMA. This has been brought back inhouse and the current group of volunteers recruited to continue […]

Cyber Security and Amateur Radio

Introduction Amateur radio is a hobby that involves using radio equipment to communicate with other enthusiasts around the world. Amateur radio operators can exchange messages, share information, provide emergency assistance, and participate in various contests and events. Amateur radio is a fun and rewarding hobby that can also serve as a valuable public service. Like […]

Amateur Class Licence Update

Amateur Class Licence Update The AMC advised its assessors that their arrangement (via a Deed) with the Australian Communications and Media Authority (the ACMA) to provide certain amateur services is due to expire on 18 February 2024. While it was open to the AMC to seek an extension of this arrangement for a further 5 […]

Foundation Course and Exams

EMDRC Foundation Course. The last Foundation Licence training course was held on Saturday 28 October 2023 at the EMDRC club rooms in East Burwood. Exams conducted the following morning, Sunday 29 October 2023 for all licence classes. If you would like to register for a future course or examination, please use the “Request an Assessment” […]


This page provides a quick reference to the meaning of terms used throughout the website to enable better understanding. ACMA – Australian Communications and Media Authority AC – Alternating Current ACSC – Australian Cyber Security Centre AF – Audible Frequency (20 Hz to 20 kHz) AGM – Annual General Meeting AM – Amplitude Modulation AMC […]

The Periodic Table

The periodic table is also known as the periodic table of the elements. It is a tabular display of all the chemical elements that are widely used in chemistry. The periodic table is also known as the periodic table of the elements. It is a tabular display of all the chemical elements. It is widely […]

Resistor Colour Codes

This page shows a diagram of a resistor and explains how the resistor colour codes are used to determine the value of the resistor.   A resistor is a passive two-terminal electrical component that implements electrical resistance as a circuit element. In electronic circuits, resistors are used to reduce current flow, adjust signal levels, to divide voltages, bias active elements, and terminate transmission lines, among other uses. […]

The RST System

The RST System is used as a standard for exchanging signal reports between amateur radio stations and represents the quality of the signal. Readability is used in the RST system to convey how easy the signal is to comprehend. A strong signal with good audio is usually referred to as a 59. For more details, […]


Phonetics are used to help get your message across when the conditions are characteristically poor or there is interference about. When using telephony, particularly under adverse operating conditions, words and callsigns may be misunderstood because of phonetic similarity. To overcome this difficulty, phonetic alphabets are used. The following is the one recommended for use by […]