EMDRC Foundation Training

EMDRC Foundation Training Course was not held at the club rooms on Saturday, August 3, due to low numbers of interested attendees. The three (3) interested candidates attended the exams on Sunday, August 4 where they successfully passed. Licences were issued and candidates on-air the following day (Monday).

At the last course we had ten (10) candidates that all passed and are now on air. The course commences at 8:30 am sharp and is usually concluded by 4:00 pm.

If you have any questions, please let me know via the contact form. All details about the course are available on this website here.


All categories of exams were conducted on Sunday, August 4 at the EMDRC club rooms. We commenced at 8:30 am sharp and completed by midday.

Based on the ACMA Class Licence, we conducted:

  • Foundation theory
  • Practical
  • Regulations
  • Standard theory
  • Advanced theory

So, if you need any of the above, please use the Request an Assessment form on my website to register for the next round. Please make sure you register before the event, or I may have to turn you away due to lack of availability of papers.

Anyone can request an assessment if you feel you are ready to sit the exam. It is not mandatory to attend the Foundation Course beforehand. The Foundation course is free for members of the EMDRC. For non-members, we request that you join the club beforehand although it’s entirely up to you.


P.S. We had three (3) Foundation – passed, two (2) Advanced – passed, four (4) Standard – passed, and six (6) Regulations – 50% passed. Three (3) Regulations candidates will need to sit again to successfully upgrade. We will be addressing the failure rate to ensure 100% pass rate next time.